Governance Documentation

LSO’s By-Law 13

LiRN is a not-for-profit corporation incorporated under the OBCA for the purpose of carrying on the central management of the Ontario county law library system in accordance with the objectives, policies and principles established and approved by The Law Society of Ontario (LSO) from time to time in consultation with Federation of Ontario Law Associations (FOLA) and Toronto Lawyers Association (TLA). It was created pursuant to the LSO’s By-Law 13.

Section 6 of this by-law reads:

6.  (1)  The Society shall cause a corporation to be established in accordance with this section for the purposes of,

  1. Establishing and administering a system for the provision of law library services and programs by county law libraries funded by the Corporation;
  2. Establishing policies and priorities for the provision of law library services and programs by county law libraries funded by the Corporation based on the financial resources available to the Corporation;
  3. Providing to associations funding to pay for the operation of county law libraries funded by the Corporation;
  4. Monitoring and supervising the provision of law library services and programs by county law libraries funded by the Corporation, including establishing guidelines and standards for the organization and operation of county law libraries funded by the Corporation and for the provision of law library services and programs by county law libraries funded by the Corporation; and
  5. Advising Convocation on all aspects of the provision of law library services and programs by county law libraries funded by the Corporation, including anything that affects or may affect the demand for or quality of law library services and programs.

Unanimous Shareholders’ Agreement

LiRN’s mandate and objectives are articulated in the Unanimous Shareholders’ Agreement.

Our general mandate is to evolve the provision of information and library services for the Ontario county law library system in an efficient and cost-effective manner through the management and allocation of grant funding, ongoing assessment of the system, and strategic development of appropriate service offerings.

The key objectives include:

  • Facilitating the regulatory mandate to ensure that the public is served by legal professionals with high standards of learning and competence;
  • Supporting ongoing learning and development with a specific emphasis on the use and application of legal information, legal research and legal training content and activities;
  • Establishing a platform that provides effective access to legal information; and
  • Considering the development of supportive legal information services targeted to the needs of users.

LiRN’s By-Law 1

LiRN’s By-Law 1 sets out a number of provisions related to its business and affairs.

Governance Practices and Policies

This policy sets out LiRN’s governance framework, process, and decision making. It also covers the Board’s relationship with the Treasurer and management, the strategic planning cycle, director orientation and professional development, Board and director evaluation, and compliance. The Board’s Rules of Procedure and Director Code of Conduct are included as appendices.

For links to more of LiRN’s policies, please visit this page: LiRN Policies – LiRN

LiRN’s Strategic Plan 2021 – 2025

Our Strategic Plan homed in on four strategic priorities:

  1. LiRN is focused on the needs of courthouse library users, both now and in the future
  2. LiRN supports libraries and librarians
  3. LiRN collaborates with others working to provide legal information and library service prioritizing trust and respect
  4. LiRN makes evidence-based decision

Elliott Reports

The current system of courthouse law libraries in Ontario was created pursuant to the Elliott Reports:

(A paper copy of Phase will be scanned and added in the coming months)