Communications Commitment

Please see LiRN’s Communications Chart for information about who to contact about specific topics.

One of LiRN’s 2025 priorities is to continue to improve our communications. In 2024, we contracted with an external provider to conduct a communications audit (review the audit here). In 2025 the Board of Directors will develop a communications strategy with the intention of:

  • Filling communication gaps
  • Better engaging stakeholders
  • Establishing clear goals and objectives, messaging priorities, target audiences, and preferred communication channels

We will focus on the “Improve Communication” recommendations from the Key Network Processes consultant’s report (available here) and investigate:

  • Refining the system to update and manage contact information: in progress using LibConnect to better maintain communication lists
  • Initiating a team management software system (eg Teams) to allow library staff from all associations to communicate with each other: 2026 Priority

Several specific suggestions from the consultations relate back to this recommendation and could be implemented through team management software / ‘intranet-like’ communications vehicle.